Rina Takahashi, born 1991 in Yokohama, is a pianist with a wide dynamic range who plays with passion, an exquisite sense of sound and profound elegance. Her interpretations take you by the hand through the the scenes of the story in the music. Time slows as her playing touched your soul.
She loves nature and animals.
She studied at Toho Gakuen Music School for children with Minako Ando, between the ages of 5 and 15. At Toho Gakuen High School of Music she studied under the late Prof. Kazuko Ariga. She won first prize in the 32. Machida National Piano Competition.
At the age of 18, she moved to Berlin (Germany) to study at UdK Berlin (University of the Arts Berlin) under the guidance of Prof. Rainer Becker and graduated her Diplom study 2015. Her first professional concert was in 2014 in Machida.
She gives solo recitals, and also plays at chamber music concerts in Japan (well-known Concert Halls such as Yokohama Minatomirai, Sumida Triphony Hall, Suntory Hall, Suginami Koukaidou) and regularly in Italy.
She finds time in her busy schedule to also be an FM radio personality who discusses pieces and composers played on the classical music program.

高橋里奈(Rina Takahashi)
横浜生まれ。ベルリンにてモデルとしてもスカウトされ、撮影経験をもつ。5歳より桐朋学園大学音楽学部附属子供のための音楽教室にて安藤美那子氏に師事。桐朋女子高等学校音楽科にて故有賀和子氏に師事、10代で渡独、ドイツ国立ベルリン芸術大学 (UdK Berlin)に入学しRainer Becker氏のもとで学び、2015年卒業。